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"I was fairly new to yoga and quite unfit but Vee’s classes have been amazing and she makes adjustments where you need them. I’ve learnt so much, improved my strength and flexibility and enjoyed all of the classes. The yoga Nidra class is also pretty wonderful to fully relax mind and body and all of the classes have something special added. I thoroughly recommend Vee’s classes, she’s wonderful!"

Amanda Griffiths

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"I have learnt so much from Vee’s classes over the past year. She’s such an amazing teacher whose classes vary and from which I always come away from feeling better than from when I went in. Her explanations and instructions are always spot on so you get into the poses correctly and the best you can."

Adele Hughes

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"Tottally brilliant class. Great for all levels. Such a lovelly atmosphere wonderfuly, peaceful and intimate. Plus I am legitmatly getting the best nights sleep i've had in years!"

Sphe K Hrvy

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